Thursday, 14 April 2016

My Overall Experiences in Pedagogy In Education Class

      Hi everyone. Today, I am here to share all my experiences and knowledge that I have learned throughout my Pedagogy In Education class as I am now towards the end of my semester.  In my Pedagogy In Education class, I have mainly understand that there are various teaching skills that can help to make the entire teaching and learning process more interesting and effective in future. For example, educators can make their entire lessons interesting by carrying out activities that are knowledgeable and fun at the same time when teaching the students in the classroom. This could help the learners to understand the content of the lessons well. Teachers should not practice textbook -orientated teaching style as the students well get bored easily and they will not be able to concentrate well on the lessons thought by the teacher in the classroom.
      Besides that, I also manage to learn the three schools of thoughts which are Cognitive School of Thought, Behaviorist School of Thought and Humanistic School of Thought. This three school of thoughts that are very important in order for the future educators like me to plan the lesson plans and improve their teaching skills in future.
        In addition to this topic, I also managed to learn about classroom management that focuses on how teachers can manage their classroom well in order to form an effective classroom teaching and learning process in future. For example, teacher can set rules and regulations that can help the students to become discipline and behave well when participating in the classroom learning and   teaching process.

         Overall, by learning this particular subject or course, I am able to prepare myself to become a professional educator as I am able to understand the ways to make my lesson interesting and I am also able to fulfill the needs of my students that are different from time to time. I hope that I Will be able to develop the entire teaching methods or techniques to the next level in future. This is all from me. Thanks for viewing my blog and please do keep upon giving your support. THANK YOU.


Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Classroom Management

      Hi everyone. I am here again in my blog to share my this week teaching and learning process that occurs in Pedagogy In Education class or subject. In this week class, my lecturer explained in detail about classroom management which is one of the important element in education field. 

      When it comes to classroom Management, IT ACTUALLY MEANS how educators manage their classroom well in order to produce an effective classroom teaching and learning process in short.
Classroom management is very important because when a classroom is not organized or well managed, it will definitely effects the entire teaching process that occurs in the classroom. As a result, teachers will not be able to become professional in their career and at the same time, students will not be able to become holistic or skilled in all aspects in future.
      A teacher must not only emphasizes in teaching the students in the classroom, but at the same time, they must be able to fulfill their students needs from time to time in order to forge a good relationship among them in future. 
      Besides that, in order to manage the classroom well, a teacher must have several rules and regulations that need to be followed by the students in the classroom so that the students will become more responsible and discipline in handling things in the classroom. For example, rule like cannot make noise in the classroom will avoid the students from talking with their friends when the teacher is carrying out their lesson in the classroom. This will help them to understand the lessons that are being thought to them in the classroom by their respective teacher more better because of high in concentration level. 

      Furthermore, classroom management also involves the activities that the teachers have planned. For example , an effective classroom management involves the activities that teacher have carried out. A teacher must make sure that the activities that they want to carry out in the classroom requires students to use more than one specific skill. This will be helpful in developing students that are holistic which are one of the aims and goals of the National Educational of Philosophy. 
This is all for now. I will be back again soon. Please keep giving your kind feedback from time to time. Thank you.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Introduction to Classroom Management

       Hi everyone, I am back again in my blog to share my this week learning and teaching process for Pedagogy in Education class. In this week Pedagogy In Education class, me and my friends learned about Classroom Management is basically known as the term used by teachers whom are the educators to explain in detail about the process of ensuring that a classroom teaching and learning process run smoothly although there is disturbing behavior by students whom are the learners. This particular learning process also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior.

       Based on what I had learned in the lecture room, in short, classroom management means how teachers (educators) manage the classroom that consists students (learners) of different characteristics and behaviors. When it comes to classroom, teachers must adapt the concept of "Can Do Attitude" which means that teachers must have the confidence that nothing is impossible when teaching the students in the classroom. They must make sure that they are able to come out with anything or new ideas that can help to fulfill the needs of the students which will usually be different. 

       Besides that, when it comes to classroom management, teachers must make sure that they show the care and concern about their students as well. An professional educators does not mean that they must be good in teaching the students perhaps they must also be good in showing care and concern towards their students. Students might face a lot of problems and they tend to loose their concentration on studies. So, a teacher must notice the changes in their behavior and try to show care and concern on them so that they will be back to normal in future.

      In addition to this context, the teachers must also make sure that the entire classroom environment is need and clean. They must make sure that the classroom is conducive for them to teach and for the students to learn as well. This is also one of the important element when it comes to classroom management theory.

   Furthermore, when it come to teaching and learning process in a classroom, teachers must understand their students in all aspects. For example, they must practice the term"No Excuse" which means students must understand their teachers by not giving lame excuses if they did not do their homework or respective task, At the same time, teachers also must not give excuses for punishing the students for not not completing their respective task if they a valid reason for completing it.

       Moreover, when it comes to classroom management, another important element is controlling our emotions. Teachers should and it is must for them to to control their emotions when teaching and handling the students in the classroom. They might face a lot of stress and difficulties when handling the students in the classroom due to the differences in their learning methods and behaviors. But yet, teachers must make sure that they know how to handle them without loosing their patience. They must always work hard to forge a good relationship with the students in order to have an effective teaching and learning process as well an effective classroom management in future.

       So, classroom management is very important for an effective classroom teaching and learning process. Therefore, teachers must make sure that all the above elements are taken into consideration  in order to have or produce an effective teaching and learning process besides to improve the quality of our country's education system in future. According to Albert Einstein, " Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think". This is all what we have learned in this week Pedagogy In Education Class. I am glad that I had an opportunity to learn about Classroom Management which is very important for teaching and learning process. As a future educator, it is very important for me to know and learn about this in order to become a professional educator in future which is main aim and goal in my life. That is all from me. Please do continue to visit my blog and remember to give you feedback for my improvement. Thanks everyone. Have a great day.